Local MPs Fiona Phillips and Dr Michael Holland have joined together to demand answers for the community on why the NSW Government has broken its promise to fund the Moruya to Moruya Heads pathway.
Last year, mere days before the Bega by-election, Active Transport and Infrastructure Minister Rob Stokes joined local Liberal candidates to announce that Eurobodalla Shire Council would submit an application for $2.5 million to fund the Moruya pathway link under the 2022-23 Get NSW Active Program.
At the time, Minister Stokes said he was “confident” the project would be funded.
But it was all hot air, with the application unsuccessful without explanation, leaving a 1.64km gaping hole in what would be a fantastic piece of infrastructure.
This is a disgrace, and it is putting the community at risk.
In 2008, Danielle Brice tragically lost her son Chris in a pedestrian accident on this very stretch of road six weeks before his eighteenth birthday. It simply must be made safer.
The Moruya community has worked on this for decades but the Liberals unfairly toyed with their hopes only to cruelly pull it away.
The two MPs have slammed the blatant politicking of the NSW Government when it comes to funding critical local infrastructure. They have today written to the NSW Minister demanding answers on why the apparent shoe-in project wasn’t selected for funding.
It is time the NSW State Government step up and put their money where their mouths were.