After years of waiting, the full headspace for Batemans Bay is now open, providing a range of mental health and wellbeing services to local young people.
Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP today popped into the new centre to thank the staff for their work supporting young people in our community.
“The case for a full headspace in our community has never been clearer. While it might have taken longer than I had hoped, I am delighted to see those doors finally open!” Fiona Phillips said.
“I have been advocating for a full headspace for Batemans Bay for years and I am so excited to see that become a reality,” she said.
Headspace is a fantastic service focused on supporting the mental wellbeing of young people and their families. However for years, young people in Batemans Bay have been forced to travel to Bega or Nowra to access headspace services.
The Gilmore MP was the first to commit to a full headspace for Batemans Bay at the 2019 election, a commitment that was eventually matched by the Morrison Government. Since the 2019/20 bushfires, Mrs Phillips has pushed hard for that funding to be brought forward to help our community heal.
Mrs Phillips also thanked the staff working in the interim service for their support during such a difficult time and said she was confident the transition to the permanent, full service would be smooth.
“Positioned beautifully across from the Clyde, right in town, I know the new headspace service will make a significant difference to the lives of local people. I encourage all our young people, their family and friends to see how headspace can make a difference to you,” she said.
“I want to thank all those members of our community who have fought so hard for this – this is a true community win,” Fiona Phillips said.
The new centre provides face-face, confidential mental health and wellbeing services for those aged 12-25 years. It is located at 11 Clyde Street, Batemans Bay and is open 9am-5pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and 10am-6pm Thursday. To speak with a support worker or make an appointment, please call 1800 718 383.