MEDIA RELEASE: Federal funding to deliver reflection space for Shoalhaven High School

MEDIA RELEASE: Federal funding to deliver reflection space for Shoalhaven High School Main Image

28 May 2024

A dedicated reflection space will be constructed at Shoalhaven High School thanks to the latest round of funding under the Federal Government’s Schools Upgrade Fund.

Shoalhaven High has been granted $500,000 under round 2 of the fund which aims to assist public schools with the greatest need, including schools with high numbers of students from a low-socio economic background, First Nations Students, and students with disability.

Federal Member for Gilmore said the additional funding would provide a modular classroom in a quiet setting where disengaged students could be re-engaged with their education.

“Shoalhaven High has experienced increased enrolments over the last few years, and the creation of alternate educational spaces will help engage students,” Mrs Phillips said.

The reflection space will provide the opportunity for students to practice self-regulation and reduce the incidents of suspensions by allowing time to de-escalate in a quiet setting away from the mainstream school.

Mrs Phillips said the initiative would encourage young people to make good choices so they can keep their lives on track and stay at school.

“This is an important step towards building a better and fairer education system for all students,” she said.

“This funding delivers upgrades to schools that need it most and will ensure our local students have access to a quality education, including access to quality facilities to learn in and play on.

“The Australian Government’s Schools Upgrade Fund is making a real difference to schools, teachers and students in my electorate of Gilmore and across New South Wales.

“Whether it is funding to build new classrooms, a new hall or in this case a really essential reflection room, everyone wins when local schools get more support so teachers and students can enjoy better facilities.”

Shoalhaven High School is one of 52 schools in NSW that will benefit from a share of $68 million in grants to build or upgrade infrastructure. The funding is part of a more than $250 million commitment by the Albanese Government to improve school infrastructure.


Photo: Federal Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips with Shoalhaven School principal Damian Rees and School Captains Giorjet Pinkard and William Dewsbury-Love who have welcomed the funding announcement.


MEDIA CONTACT: Katrina Condie 0437 662 967