Media Release: Good news for East Nowra man finally approved for NDIS funding

Media Release: Good news for East Nowra man finally approved for NDIS funding Main Image

East Nowra resident Daniel Sheather was thrilled to learn he had been accepted as a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant on his 42nd birthday.

Mr Sheather lives with cerebral palsy and as a result has a raft of complex medical conditions, including osteoporosis, spine and gastrointestinal problems.

He has been seeking help for 33 years.

Mr Sheather said it wasn’t until he took his concerns to the office of the Federal Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips, that he was finally able to access the NDIS.

And when he was told his application had been successful, he said it was an “extremely emotional time”.

“I’ve hit walls everywhere I’ve turned until a staff member in Mrs Phillips’ office started advocating on my behalf,” Mr Sheather said.

“With the NDIS I will hopefully be able to access the medical help I need.

“I’ve always been pretty independent but, as I’m getting older, I’m having more and more issues.

“I hope this will help with getting lifts to doctors’ appointments, the cost of physiotherapy and splints on my legs.”

Mr Sheather has lived in Nowra since 2001, where he cares for his housemate, and said some days he can’t leave the house due to his condition.

“Sometimes I can’t walk at all, I’ve had to crawl across the floor to answer the door.”

He said he was looking forward to getting involved with the disability community and helping other people.

Mrs Phillips said her office door was always open to assist individuals and families in Gilmore with the NDIS as well as Centrelink, Veterans’ Affairs, ATO and Pension concerns.

“I want to hear from local people about issues that matter to them, and to do what I can to help,” she said.

“This is a fantastic result for Daniel and, after hearing his story, I know it will be absolutely life-changing for him.”

Media Contact: Katrina Condie 0437 662 967