MEDIA RELEASE: Offshore wind backflip proves Cunning Constance cannot be trusted

MEDIA RELEASE: Offshore wind backflip proves Cunning Constance cannot be trusted Main Image

20 June 2024

Andrew Constance supported renewable energy as Transport Minister, he was part of a government that enabled the establishment of the Illawarra offshore wind zone, and he campaigned for the seat of Gilmore in 2022 as a member of a party that explicitly supported offshore wind - including prioritising the Illawarra.

Federal Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips is questioning when he changed his mind?

“Andew Constance campaigned for Gilmore at the last election on the Coalition’s energy policy, which included offshore wind,” she said.

“In May 2022, he held a doorstop in Bomaderry with Angus Taylor to announce an emissions reduction program for two local factories, saying it proved how “serious” the Morrison Government was about reducing emissions, particularly in the electorate of Gilmore.

“What has changed? Why is Andrew Constance now supporting costly, risky nuclear power and opposing offshore wind energy?

Mrs Phillips said The Guardian reported that Constance attended a public meeting of the Coalition Against Offshore Wind in Illawarra where he said the federal Labor government needed to “put the brakes on plans to create an offshore wind zone between Wollongong and Gerringong”.

“This is hypocrisy at its finest,” Mrs Phillips said.

In 2021, Mr Constance told the Smart Energy Summit Sydney that: “We can’t continue to embarrass ourselves on the international stage by debating whether climate change is real or not”

“We’re well past that… I think we need really strong leadership and making sure that vocal minorities do not stymie the thinking within the community,” he told the summit.

“My sense is that there is a lot of belief within the national government within individual politicians that climate change is one of the most serious challenges that we all face and we’ve got to find a way to deal with it.”

Mr Constance was also part of a government that lay the foundations for the Illawarra wind farm. The development of offshore wind was explicitly named as part of Illawarra Renewable Energy Zone – declared by the NSW Liberal Government in February 2023.

In a media release, the then-Treasurer and Minister for Energy Matt Kean said the announcement was part of the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government’s long-term plan to modernise the electricity grid with renewable energy and storage, helping to drive down prices and keep the system reliable.

“The Illawarra has a proud history of manufacturing and the REZ will only build on this legacy, powering existing and emerging industries such as offshore wind, green hydrogen and green steel production,” Mr Kean said.

And, Mr Constance went to the 2022 election as a Liberal candidate when offshore wind was part of their party’s energy policy.

In a speech to the Offshore Wind Conference on 5 April 2022, then-Assistant Minister for Energy Tim Wilson said: “By leading the development of this industry, the Morrison Government is committed to making Australia a world leader in offshore renewable energy”.

“Australia has abundant, high-quality offshore renewable energy potential just waiting to be unleashed,” he added.

“The Morrison Government is ensuring industry has a pathway forward, all for the benefit of Australian energy consumers.

“Our government has put in place a regulatory framework that will drive private sector investment and development in the offshore wind sector.

“Our legislation gives industry the certainty it needs to invest in projects that will support the economy.

“All because we know a successful offshore wind sector will support reliable and affordable energy supplies and create thousands of jobs for Australians, while reducing our emissions.”

Then-Minister for Energy Angus Taylor introduced the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021 to the parliament, saying: “Supporting the development of large projects and a new offshore industry represents an exciting new opportunity for Australia”.

Mr Constance, a failed Liberal candidate for Gilmore, has done a complete back-flip and is now opposing offshore wind farms for narrow political purposes, despite his previous support for renewable energy, being a Minister in the New South Wales Government that created the Illawarra REZ and campaigning for the Liberal Party in 2022 when offshore wind was part of their energy policy.

“He and Peter Dutton are spouting ridiculous, misleading information about power prices and killing whales to frighten our community,” Mrs Phillips said.

“I don’t trust Dutton. And I don’t trust Andrew Constance.”




The Guardian Coalition Against Offshore Wind article

Committee for Sydney event in September 2021

Smart Energy Summit 2021

Illawarra Renewable Energy Zone declaration by the NSW Liberal Government in February 2023

Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 legislation and an amendment specifying that Illawarra be moved up the list of renewable energy zones.

Bomaderry doorstop with Angus Taylor

A Question from Notice from 2022 prioritising the development of both the Hunter and Illawarra offshore wind zones


MEDIA CONTACT: Katrina Condie 0437 662 967