Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP has today announced the Shoalhaven Heads Pump Track will receive $20,000 to improve the track’s safety in time for Christmas.
Funding totalling $45,000 will be provided to seal the pump track, with co-contributions from the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Programme, Shoalhaven City Council and the Shoalhaven Heads Community Forum.
“The community has worked hard to progress this pump track and I am thrilled to see $45,000 in funding provided to seal the track and make it safer for our kids,” Fiona Phillips said.
“Asphalting the track will also open it up to even more users like skateboarders, scooters and rollerblades and it is absolutely wonderful that this project can now be completed in time for the busy holiday period,”
The Stronger Communities Programme provides essential funding to local community groups and councils for projects that improve community participation and contribute to vibrant communities.
Mrs Phillips said she is thrilled to be delivering fantastic projects like this for the local community.
"Since being elected in May, I have been focused on linking the community with the funding they need to deliver quality local projects like this one and I am excited to see these improvements delivered in time for Christmas,” she said.
Work on the sealing the track began yesterday and the track is expected to reopen on Friday 20 December.