Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP has today announced that Shoalhaven City Council will receive $150,000 in funding from the Australian Government to establish a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Export Hub.
The SME Export Hubs Initiative supports the formation and operation of export hubs in Growth Centre sectors. It also aims to strengthen access to international markets and global supply chains to help SME’s successfully create local jobs and grow the economy.
“With so much uncertainty in our community, I am thrilled that Shoalhaven City Council will receive $150,000 to help local manufacturing businesses get export ready,” Fiona Phillips said.
“There has never been a more important time to support local jobs and grow our economy and I want to make sure the Australian Government is doing everything possible to help our local businesses succeed,”
“There are so many manufacturers in the Shoalhaven working hard to expand their businesses and I know that a hub like this will be welcome by so many,” she said.